A letter to young European parliamentarians*

I was 15 years old when I was offered to have a pen-pal, or as they call it in Australia from where she hailed – a pen friend. My English was negligible, but with a lot of effort I composed a letter to a girl my age in the remote Australia. I waited for a long time and then her reply finally arrived. I was truly delighted and after the first letter I checked my mail-box daily. Approximately once every two months a letter was there for me. I always read, re-read and translated these letters for my family, friends, and classmates and could not stop bragging about that fact that I was receiving letters from Australia. I believe that at some point at least half of the little village where I lived knew about my letters from Australia. It was 1987, Latvia was occupied, a part of the Soviet Union, and our contacts with the outside world were practically non-existent. So a letter from a girl my age from Australia was especially exotic. That same year I was delegated by ...